Anchored Apparel

Anchored Apparel’s Mission

To have apparel that reflects and values our beliefs. Every piece of merchandise has a much bigger purpose. They’re an opportunity to impact a difference. They’re a conversation starter. They’re something that ties supporters together as a community. They spread the message of the Gospel to someone who might not have found out about it otherwise. When you wear our apparel, you can know that you are supporting an entire community of people who are committed to the same values as you. When you wear our apparel, you can know that the community supports you, too.


“Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple, YOU are the equipment.”
— Luke 9:3 MSG



A reminder and a declaration to spead love wheverever you go.
Love leads the way, fruit follows. Want to be more fruitful? Love.



AMOR means “LOVE” in Portuguese