capturing memories

all over the world


t-shirts + other merch

two stores for you to check out

For over a decade I owned, designed, and operated a t-shirt company with my wife. It was a wild ride that allowed us to travel the world and be blessed with amazing new friends. The remnants of those designs are still up for sale over at the TRIIINDADE shop. If you're lucky, you'll occasionally see necklaces we make ourselves on there as well!

And to continue the thrill of seeing fun designs of ours out in the world, we decided to make a TeePublic store for greater accessibility.

shop teepublic

shop triiindade


store on darkroom

Looking to add a personal touch to your home decor? My print shop through Darkroom allows you to do just that. Pick a print, size, and material, and even add a frame! My shop is constantly being updated, so check back frequently.

If you have something specific in mind, reach out and let me know what kind of magic you're looking for.

shop prints

Tshirts available on TeePublic